We’ve included a collection of Website Accelerator Tools in the Online Control Panel to aid you to almost instantly boost the overall performance of your sites. You won’t have to alter anything within the backend code or try to make special configuration settings that demand technical experience from you. In the Online Control Panel, merely select the application you wish to make use of – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js and make an instance for it. It is all carried out with a click. By quickening your websites, you won’t only stop your clients from having to hang on but will also help your website get better positions in search engine listings.
You can find the Website Accelerator Tools in the Advanced Tools area of the Online Control Panel.
RAM–caching as an alternative to database calls
The Memcached tool is good for increasing web site streaming rates by storing the data–base data that is requested from your customers. It is a dynamic distributed memory caching platform, which allows for information and objects to be stored within the RAM as an alternative to being requested each time a person goes to a page.
This tool is good for your database–powered websites or apps in which your visitors spend plenty of time searching and reading content. Memcached can be found in the advanced tools section of the Online Control Panel.
RAM–saving as a substitute for HTTP calls
Should you have content–intense active sites with a lot of pics plus clips, you’ll most certainly have to ensure that your web pages come up very quickly for the website visitors. An ideal tool you could use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration solution that will help you quicken up your sites without needing you to possess any particular technical expertise.
Varnish caches all demands towards the server inside the server memory and ships the pages instantly to the customer by evading brand–new calls towards the hosting server. By doing this, the web pages on your site will be loaded 300 – 1000x times more speedily for your visitors. You can even opt for if the inbound requests will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the web server, and so on.
Meant for establishing quick and then flexible web applications
Web developers can use Node.js with regard to establishing different high–quality and also cost–efficient tools including business stats, real time web apps and content management systems, to name some. It’s really super fast and flexible and is also supported by an enthusiastic community that is constantly advancing and supporting it.
Node.js is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally works by using an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that renders its API versatile and extensible. This innovative method permits programmers to easily construct high quality web applications using only 1 language.